Bust Portraits : Alice Wawrik


Alice Wawrik sources the best vintage and artisan made pieces from around the globe for her eponymous label, by alice.

We have long loved her candy coloured selection of lacquered antiques and her eclectic, maximalist homewares are adored by many. From her desert island dish to what makes a house a home, read on for a glimpse into Alice’s wonderful world.

What is your desert island dish?

Something comforting like a chicken katsu curry or carbonara! However much I enjoy fine dining, there’s something about those dishes that make me feel at home!

What is your biggest extravagance?

Taxis and going out to eat! They will be the death of me!

Your home must be a treasure trove - can you tell us about your most prized possession?

It is full to the brim with pieces! We work from my flat as well, and everything is out on display! It’s like a hoarders heaven meets a magpies nest! My most prized possession is the victorian two tiered heart table I found and decided to keep, which was the inspiration behind my Lady Valentine table.

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We love your Lady Valentine table, which By Alice product are you proudest of?

I love the table as it is basically me as a piece of furniture! The glasses also make me so happy as they are stocked in Liberty, which for me is a dream come true!


Any Lockdown indulgences?

A stunning piece of art by Galina Munroe

Which era do you return to most frequently for inspiration?

I love being able to mix antique and vintage, so I love lots of Edwardian pieces as well as beautiful mid century mixed together!


How do you part with all the vintage treasures you find? Tell us about the one that got away

I get incredibly emotionally attached to every item, but I’ve taught myself that there will always be more out there and that I must learn to let go, so have taught myself to detach! Having said that, there are items I just haven’t been able to part with and have had to hold on to a couple, a pair of pink royal doulton 60’s bedside lamps, a wavy art deco burr walnut bar, some beautiful Danish chairs from the 60s to name a few!

What do you think makes a house a home?

I love travelling and have so many bits of art and souvenirs from places and trips that really made an impact on me. I think having treasures that one has picked up or discovered somewhere special that speaks out to them, adds a really special personal touch and brings out ones individuality and separates a beautiful room that lacks soul, to making a space personal and a reflection of oneself, and in my eyes thats what makes somewhere a home, somewhere that reflects your personality and experiences.

When travelling resumes, where do you hope to go?

I would like to take some time out and continue my travels through central and South America, travel is what really feeds my creativity and I am so excited to get back out there, meet new people, new artisans, discover new scents, new sights and broaden my mind, lockdown has really emphasised how much we need to feed our senses and explore new environments.

The Bare Necessities

Favourite shop

The Clockwork Crow in Hastings is a fabulously bonkers, wonderfully creative, unusual shop- a must visit!

Favourite follow (instagram)

I love @sean_anthony_pritchard the garden and landscape designer, nothing more joyous than bright colours and flowers, I also love @jgonzalezsd for beautiful decor inspo and @nicolocastellinibaldissera

Favourite podcast

Currently loving Pandora Sykes’ ‘Pieces of Britney’

The Hustle & Bustle

Favourite Gallery :

The National Archeological Museum in Naples is incredible, The Louvre Abu Dhabi is incredibly well curated and the building itself by Jean Nouvel is a work of art.

Favourite restaurant / café / bar :

The cakes and coffee at The Connaught Patisserie, Gelato at Gelupo, Pasta at Ida, Drinks at Trisha’s and The Vault in Soho

Favourite view :

The stars and a full moon whilst lying on a beach, could be anywhere in the world, always blows my mind.

Visit Alice and see her wonderful wares in the flesh at
Soho Revue, 1-4 Walkers Court from 8th July-7th August.


Bust Portraits : Polly Baker


Bust Portraits : Alma Berrow