Bust Portraits : JJ Walsh

JJ Walsh is the inimitable founder of Formula Fig, a high-tech, expert-led facial company with soon to be 6 locations across Canada and America.

JJ started her career as a fashion editor in London (which included working for the late, legendary Isabella Blow) but started Formula Fig when a move to Vancouver saw her spot a gap in the market. With a love of all things green, JJ’s experience orientated stores are testament to her attention to detail and eye for design. From her own incredible home to the Formula Fig Bars, whose instagram-famous bathrooms reflect the jammy inside of a Fig, JJ has a talent for transforming spaces and faces.

What is the first thing you do when you wake up?

I squeeze in a few chapters of whichever book I have on the go, spritzing intermittently with my facial mist and taking multiple vitamins  - all within arm's reach of my pillow.

What’s the best piece of advice you’ve been given?

What decisions would you make if ego wasn't involved? I frequently check myself with this - particularly in business.

Your Fig Bars are truly extraordinary, where do you turn to for inspiration?

Thank you. Everywhere and everything. Form, function and how design makes you feel - are all as important as each other. I try to learn about the historical and cultural relevance of the area where the Fig Bar is located, this is the starting point.

We can rely on Formula Fig to introduce us to the best brands of today - as fierce advocates of wearing sunscreen, which is your go to?

Glad to hear it. I rotate through Black Girl Sunscreen, Lesse, Dr. Loretta and our newest Pavise - it's so technically advanced; it's the supercar of sunscreen.

What is the one thing in your house you couldn’t live without?

My family. The dishwasher and washing machine are also critical.

We are endlessly impressed at the way you juggle work and motherhood, talk us through a dream Sunday morning

Wake up to the whole day in front of me with nothing planned, no drop-offs, and no decisions to make. Coffee and croissants in the garden, the papers. Heaven.

We can’t wait to see what’s in store for your second LA Fig Bar in Culver City, can you give us hint of what’s to come?

We’re sandwiched between Erewhon and Sephora and surrounded by the likes of Netflix and Amazon, so there’s definitely a nod to the theatre.. stay tuned!

The Bare Necessities

Most worn item in your wardrobe?

My vintage black blazer with gold buttons… it's getting shiny from wear, I can't bear to part with it.

Favourite follow (instagram)

 Currently @bureaubetak and @art_petrov

Favourite podcasts

The Rest Is History. Think Fast, Talk Smart. My Therapist Ghosted Me. I enjoy variety!

The Hustle & Bustle

Best meal you’ve ever had?

The buttered toast after giving birth.

Favourite Date Spot :

Tower Bar, Sunset Tower Hotel. The table tucked in the alcove is dark and cozy; you can't help but be pressed against each other.

Favourite park :

Kensington Gardens (a stones throw from Studio Bust’s London space!)

Visit Formula Fig in Vancouver, Toronto and LA, or online :

Studio Bust is thrilled to be hosting a pop up with Formula Fig in both Toronto and LA in October, find out more.


Breast Cancer Awareness Month


Bust Portraits : Aimee Croysdill