Bust Portraits : Sophie Eley


Florist Sophie Eley creates floral arrangements and installations where colour, texture and movement take centre stage.

More recently, Sophie has set her mind to reviving the endangered heritage craft of marbling - together with Artist Sally Newton, they bring their own contemporary spin to the practice. Sophie shares what brings her joy and why getting her hands dirty and digging is the answer to almost anything.

Tea or coffee?

One very milky cup of instant coffee (coffee snob I am not), followed by endless mugs of Rooibos. Gone are the days of surviving on a diet of crap coffee and rollups….sadly.

What’s the first thing you do in the morning?

Currently, feed my youngest daughter Dido (I fear she may be a bottle rejector like her sister) then try and wrestle the eldest, Florence into clothes and head out the door to walk our two errant whippets.

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Tell us about your most treasured possession?

An oil painting by my late Grandmother. Our walls are covered with her work but this is a favorite, my Grandpa tending a bonfire.

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We love that you chose to capture your body whilst you were pregnant with your second daughter - which finish did you choose and why?

I chose Lacquer from the Liberty Collection. I love the bright pop of orange and the colour stands out brilliantly on our shelves that are rather full of eclectic curiosities!

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What's the best advice you'll pass onto your daughters?

I hope to pass on my love of the outdoors and gardening. Get outside, dig, plant something. It will always make you feel better if you are in a funk. And look at your phone less (do as I say, rather than I do).

We think flowers in the home and the garden spark so much joy - what part of your job as a florist brings you the greatest joy?

I love working with the seasons, my next favourite flower is always about to shine. The majority of my work is weddings which I adore. However, there is something very humbling and special about creating farewell flowers, cathartic almost, whether I knew the person or not.

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What does your morning look like on the day of a client's wedding?

Early start and usually rather hectic regardless of how organised I think I have been and despite having brilliant help. The last minute jobs always seem to take longer than you think, ribboning bouquets and buttonholes and adding the final flowers to outdoor installations.

I always feel it’s a bit of a swan paddling like fury situation just without the look of serenity on top.

The Bare Necessities

Lockdown indulgence?

Netflix. I have never watched so much telly.

Favourite drink?

Dry Rosé with ice.


Most worn item of clothing?

My Celtic wool jacket from the Carrier Company. Excellent pockets, perfect for gardening but also rare trips to London. Smells reassuringly slightly of sheep when it rains.

The Hustle & Bustle

Favourite gallery?

The RA. Looking forward to it reopening. A child free afternoon there would be blissful!

Best meal you’ve ever had?

Greenhouse at The Cellars Honhenort. We were treated to the most incredible dinner here whilst on our honeymoon in SA a few years ago. Each dish was more clever and delicious than the last.

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Favourite view?

Through two ears.


Bust Portraits : Eleanor Cording-Booth


Bust Portraits : India Sehmi